Black Myth: Wukong | Review Thread黑神话:悟空 | 评测汇总
Game Information
Game Title: Black Myth
Review Aggregator:
MetaCritic: 82/100 - Based on 39 Reviews
OpenCritic: 90/10 - 100% Recommended Based on 7 Reviews
Critic Reviews:
• Gamingbolt - 10/10
• God is a Geek - 10/10
• Gamespot - 8.10/10.0
• The Gamer - 3.0/5.0
• IGN - 8.0/10.0
• Noisy Pixel - 8.0/10.0
• PCGamer - 87/100
• PCGamesN -8.0/10.0
• RPGSite - 7/10
• GamesRadar+ - 4.5
• WindowsCentral 3.5/5.9
• TheGamer - 4/5
• TheSixthAxis - 6.0/10.0
• Vandal.net - 8.3/10.0
• Hobby Consolas - 7.8/10.0
• ArenaJuegos - 9.3/1.0游戏信息
MetaCritic:82/100 - 基于 39 条评论
OpenCritic:90/10 - 100%推荐率 基于 7 条评论
(本帖翻译由网友 7Pixels 投稿)
TouchArcade - Steam DeckI need more time to see it through, but Black Myth: Wukong is an impressive action RPG with fantastic music, great visuals, and one I want to replay on console after Steam Deck. It is surprisingly playable on Valve’s handheld already, and I imagine things will only improve with updates and once both Valve and Game Science optimize it for the hardware. I’m curious to see how the PS5 version feels when I get access to it.我需要更多的时间来玩透彻,但《黑色神话:悟空》是一款令人印象深刻的ARPG,有着美妙的音乐、出色的视觉效果,并且我想在Steam Deck上重玩一遍。它已经可以在 Valve 的掌机上流畅运行,我想随着更新的推出,以及 Valve 和游戏科学对硬件的优化,体验只会变得更好。我很期待看看当我能玩到 PS5 版本时,它的体验如何。
Ecstatic_Witness_1Screenrant 6/10 • Lacking in inclusivity and diversity lolScreenrant 6/10 • 缺少包容性和多样性 笑了
trunglefeverThat outlet is such a joke. The editorial team is terrible.这媒体真是个笑话。评测团队烂完了。
IcePopsicleDragonI had to look it up, i cant believe it lol Certainly scores are lower because of some biased reviews我不得不去看了一眼,不敢相信lol 游戏分数明显因为一些有偏见的评论下降了不少
GGG100What diversity lol? It’s a game based on a classic Chinese novel. Were they expecting to see black people in Ancient China?什么多样性lol?这游戏是中国经典名著改编的。他们是想在古代中国见到黑人吗?
EyeAmKingKageBro I’m black and I don’t give a fuck🤣哥们 我就是黑人根本不想鸟它🤣
ClericIdolaBruh, I'm black, and I don't even want to see black people in Ancient China (except the Wutang Clan).服了,我是黑人。但我压根不想在里面看见黑人(除了武当帮)
Want_all_the_smokeWhy is black people the go to for diversity? Just like affirmative action, even though it benefited women far more than anyone else. Please keep us Black people out of your mouth. I’ve never complained about a lack of diversity, nor has any of the other black people I know.黑人怎么就成为了多元化的首选?就像平权法案一样,尽管它使女性受益最多。请不要把我们黑人放在你的嘴边。我从来没有抱怨过任何东西缺乏多样性,我认识的其他黑人也没有。
Background_Degree615What does that even mean我都不懂这啥意思
xnhi_nguyenNot enough black people, LQBTQ+ people in Tang Dynasty唐代的黑人和LQBTQ+群体不够多
Aggravating_Spell171As an Arab I'm offended tbh, there should've been atleast one extremely rich Arab for diversity作为一个阿拉伯人我感到被冒犯了,他们应该加一个富得流油的白袍子来增加多样性
akanosoraToo many native Chinese animals. Lack of African and North American animals.太多中国本土动物了。缺少非洲和北美洲的动物品种。
Iris-54Literally the only review that criticizes the combat and boss fights, can't review without bringing soul/soulslike in every 3 sentences.几乎没几个评论战斗机制和boss战的,三句不离魂/类魂就不会说话了。
ThaNorthIt includes a monkey. That’s pretty diverse.不是有猴子吗。这不挺多元。
Ecstatic_Witness_1Monkey not vegan, so monkey got canceled.猴子不是素食主义者,所以猴子要被取消掉。
Connor123xso Asians dont count as diverse it seems看来亚洲人并不算作多元性里
AshyLarry25Seems one of the main criticism is the game is a bit buggy and unpolished. I’m worried about the PS5 version.好像游戏的主要差评都在bug和优化上。我很担心PS5端。
Loud-Practice-5425I was hoping I was wrong about them hiding the PS5 version...sigh.我本来很希望我对他们藏PS5演示的想法是错的…唉。
FragrantOkrasilence on ps5 means........locked 30 fps confirmed lmaops5的沉默说明…锁30帧预定lmao
JbewriteThey can be fixed, though. The most worrying criticism is the repetitiveness towards the end and the uninspired level design and later enemies, two things that can't be fixed.这些问题倒是都能优化。我最担心的是游戏体验重复,关卡设计和后期敌人的差评,前两个是无法解决的。
AuzquandianceTo be fair, God of War 4 was pretty repetitive in enemy designs, still an excellent game nonetheless.说实话,战神4在敌人设计上很多重复的,但还是非常优秀的游戏。
sleeplessinvaginatefixable issues are the best issues.能解决的问题是最好的问题。
CanehillfanNot for people who pay full price at release lol. Hopefully there’s a day one patch or new driver update.对全款预购发售当天玩的玩家可不是lol。希望首发日就有补丁或者驱动更新。
Jazzpha103188The localization being incomplete, random crashes, and audio/subtitle drop-outs mentioned in the IGN review were pretty surprising, especially the unfinished localization. That's not a question of drivers needing updates, or anything like that. I wonder why they didn't give themselves another few months to finish up those translations. EDIT: also, the lack of a map is really frustrating, since I have an abysmal sense of direction. God of War had invisible walls everywhere, but you could tell on the map where they were. If you're going to make it hard to tell what's explorable and what isn't, a map, or at least some sort of directional marker, is a huge help.IGN评测中提到的本地化不完整、随机崩溃以及音频/字幕丢失确实让人感到惊讶,特别是本地化未完成的问题。这可不是驱动程序需要更新之类的问题。我很好奇为什么他们没有再给自己几个月时间来完成这些翻译工作。补充:另外,没有地图真的让人非常沮丧,因为我方向感极差。《战神》虽然到处都有空气墙,但你至少可以在地图上看到它们的位置。如果要让玩家难以分辨哪些地方可以探索,哪些不行,至少提供地图或某种方向坐标吧,真的帮助很大。
MukkyM1212As you should be. That’s a concern that’s been severely ignored or downplayed on this sub because most everyone on here is fanboying and defending a game from any perceived slight even though they haven’t even played it yet. This place has been a bit of a circle jerk tbh. I’ve never understood why people make an upcoming game their entire personality.确实应该关注设计问题。在这个板块里,这些问题被严重忽视或淡化了,因为几乎所有人都在为这个游戏辩护,即使他们还没玩过。说实话,这里有点像个自吹自擂的圈子。我从来不明白为什么有些人会把一款即将发布的游戏当作自己的身份认同。
Aggravating_Spell171Isn't it a linear world?这不是线性世界吗?
(「黑神话:悟空」是我一直想要的西游记改编作品——一款雄心勃勃的动作角色扮演游戏,拥有令人惊叹的视觉效果、壮观的 boss 设计和爽快的战斗。然而,迟缓的镜头跟踪、受限的探索和早期的游戏难度可能会让一些人望而却步)
ldurriklFromsoft games are linear worlds apart from Elden Ring and I would say those games don't have anything even close to, "restrictive exploration." I interpreted the criticisms to the exploration to be more akin to simply running through corridors from boss to boss, with zero reason to check all the nooks and crannies of the areas that you run through. If that is the case, what is the point of the areas between bosses? Is it just bloat? I have high hopes for the game, but I can understand how a linear game can still feel like it offers a lot of exploration, I'm not getting the vibe that this game will be that way.FromSoftware 的游戏,除了《艾尔登法环》以外,基本都是线性世界,我觉得这些游戏并没有“探索受限”这样的说法。我理解对探索的差评是指从一个 Boss 跑到另一个 Boss 的过程中,仿佛只是走廊式的体验,不存在任何目的去检查经过区域的各种角落。如果真是这样,那这些 Boss 之间的区域有什么意义呢?只是为了填充内容吗?我对这个游戏抱有很高的期待,但我也能理解,即使是线性的游戏也可以让人感觉有很多探索的空间。但我目前的感觉是,这个游戏可能不会是那种类型。
legacy702-I agree, I love games like Bloodborne and GoW, but if you get to FF13 levels of linear, it’s boring as hell同意,我喜欢血源诅咒和战神这样的游戏,但如果像最终幻想13那样线性到极致,那真的无聊透顶了。
D3struct_oh"Restrictive exploration" means invisible walls and poor navigation in wider areas. Boils down to level design issues.“探索受限”指的是在宽阔区域内的空气墙和弱引导设计。归根结底,这是关卡设计的问题。
trunglefeverIt was my understanding it was like GoW2018 or Sekiro. There's a set path, with exploration options, which is totally fine by me.根据我的理解,是像战神2018和只狼那样的设计。固定的路线,部分可选的探索区域,对我而言完全ok。
aefaalThe main complaint I've heard so far is stuttering, but I'm hopeful that the Day 1 patch will resolve it. Stellar Blade, if I recall correctly, scored an 82 on Metacritic and has been my game of the year so far. If BMW is comparable in score I’m elated—can't wait for Monday night!目前我听到的主要抱怨是游戏卡顿,希望首日补丁能解决这个问题。如果我没记错的话,《剑星》在MC上得了82分,并且到目前为止是我今年的年度最佳游戏。如果黑猴能拿到类似的评分,我会非常高兴——迫不及待到周一晚上了!
AplinexThe IGN review says they had more difficulty with the toughest challenges in this game compared to Shadow of the erdtree 👀IGN 评测说,他在这款游戏中遇到的最困难挑战要高于黄金树幽影👀
Ecstatic_Witness_1On VGC they say it lacks difficulty We didn’t die until late into the game’s second chapter. We’re not saying that games like this need to be some kind of hard-as-nails grind, but we were very surprised by just how slow the ramp-up in difficulty is. It makes bosses, which look great and are often accompanied by interesting attack mechanics, very boring due to how quickly we steam-rolled them.
Dark_Dragon117We have to keep in mind that Elden Ring is a open world game that offers alot of option to lower difficulty. There are builds that just simply trivialize most encounters. SoTE specifically also launched after the main game, which most people already played for a decent amount of time. BMW on the other hand is new and doesn't offer nearly as many options in terms of build variety and what not. It will take some time until people adjust. It could be similar to Sekiro in that it's brutally hard at first, but becomes rrally easy once the combat clicks.我们要记住,法环是一个开放世界游戏,有很多轮椅和逃课选项。有些流派配装可以轻松化解大部分遭遇战。另一方面,黄金树是在本体发布之后出的,大多数玩家已经玩了相当久。而黑猴是新游戏,在角色成长等方面的选择远远不如前者多。玩家需要一些时间来适应。可能类似于只狼,一开始很难,但一旦掌握了战斗机制,就会变得相对简单。
DaleyBlonde8/10 IGN8/10 IGN
prongs17I just watched this review, it's good and points out what's great about the game and what's wrong. I think waiting for a bit after launch for the game to be fully localized and performance issues fixed could lead to the best possible first experience.刚看了视频,内容很好,指出了游戏的优缺点。我觉得在游戏发布后等一段时间,到游戏完全本地化和性能优化后再玩,这样能获得最佳初体验。
characterulioThis reviewer Mitchell, is usually spot on with souls/actionrpgs/action games. But he was pretty glowing about it minus the bugs.IGN评测的作者是Mitchell,对魂类/arpg/act的评价都比较中肯。他对黑猴的评价除开bug外还蛮高的。
andykekomiBiggest criticism is bugs and performance, so hopefully by the time physical copies are out this is ironed out!最大的差评在bug和性能表现上,希望实体版发售时都能得到解决!
QJ8538some stuff about restrictive exploration and invisible walls. I'm not too concerned as god of war ragnarok has prepared me for that一些批评是关于探索限制和空气墙的。经过战神5的洗礼我倒是无所谓
andykekomiYeah not the end of the world for me, if the action in my action game is good, that's what matters, exploration is just a nice bonus.是啊又不是彻底玩不了,动作游戏的动作内容做得好不好,对我来说才是最重要的,探索只是锦上添花。
xXSoulReapperXxNo Ps5 gameplay and all the reviews codes sent out have been for PC, nah something ain’t right.没PS5演示,所有放出的评测版本都是PC端的,感觉有点不对劲啊