



2023 World Champion2023 IEM卡托维兹站星际争霸2总决赛

中国选手Oliveira(李培楠)在2023 IEM卡托维兹站星际争霸2总决赛中,4比1战胜韩国选手Maru,夺得冠军!

Well deserved win, hell yeah dude.
This was one of the best tournaments I've wached in a good while, I can't believe how much better he got in such a short period of time.
Incredible speech after the win, very very wholesome and humble
Can't wait to see what he does from here!

(本帖翻译由网友 7Pixels 投稿)7Pixels

SqnZkpSI watch starcraft 2 since WoL and this is the most unbelievable tournament run I saw in my life.
I was in total disbelief seeing him plow through the biggest giants of competitive sc2.
His attacks and counter attacks were so on point. Ridiculously accurate killer instincts.

DrahtMaulYep felt the same. Incredible decision making and great engagements and micro throughout. I was already impressed on how decisively he beat Gabe and thought wow he crushed him and really got his number here but the rest just wow. He was truly on point! And it wasn’t like the others played bad.同感。顶级的决策,进攻和微操水准。看到他果断利落地击败河马已经使我印象深刻了,当时在想,哇,他真的赢得了晋级的名额,但接下来的比赛震惊到我哑口无言。真的太强了!他跟其他打得差的选手并不一样。

Own-Creme-1528Was on the edge of my seat the whole time. What a ride! He beat every race (in style). Well deserved. Speech was indeed very wholesome, emotional, raw. Truly a pleasure to watch him succeed!每场比赛都看得我如坐针毡。太猛了!他击败了所有种族(颇具个性地)。当之无愧的世界冠军。赛后感言十分励志,未经加工的真情流露具有强大的感染力。看到他夺冠真的很欣慰!

fixpontwith negative group score 2-3谁能想到小组赛垫底出线的选手能一路斩获冠军

neloishIt was Oliveira's Time.现在是Oliveira的时刻


yssarilrockYeah, I liked Time/Oliveira since I saw him play a TvP and constantly pounce on his opponent's Disruptors while the nova was out rather than running away, but I never expected him to beat one of the best Zergs, the best Protoss AND the best Terran on the way to the World Championship. Massive respect.某次看Time/Oliveira打TvP时,见他不断突袭对方干扰者直到能量球射光而不是逃跑时就喜欢上了他的风格,但我从来没期待他有一天会击败世界最强之一虫族,最强神族和最强人族并夺取最终王座。给予极大的repsect。

neloishIn the same day!而且是一天之内!

BeanhousesWhy are we all crying? I have been playing since wol launch, most fun week of SC2 I can remember.为何我们都在为他的夺冠而落泪?我从自由之翼发布玩到现在,当时在周末打sc2是我记得最快乐的时光。

DrahtMaul!“Everyone told me to retire. Everyone told me to give up. But... look at me now!” - what an inspiration and the way he said it was truly moving!“所有人都劝我退役。所有人都劝我放弃。但是…看看现在的我!” -多么振奋人心的发言,令人感动

llllxeallll (楼主)I'm not gonna lie, I teared up at his speech.
I had to punch my chair to feel manly again

Most_Scientist_8510What a great winning! We been great fan of StarCraft for 20+ years, and finally we have our own World Champion!多么伟大的胜利!我们成为星际玩家已经有20多年了,现在终于迎来了自己的世界冠军!

czah7Dude, I've been watching SC2 pro tourneys for years now. I really thought Oliveira was a new SK player. Then noticed he was China and thought he was some young up and comer. No idea it was TIME. He has never played this good, holy shit.(略)我靠,我已经看sc2比赛很多年了,我本来还以为Oliveira是SK的新选手,后来发现他来自中国还想着他是什么天才少年。完全没料到居然是TIME。从来没见他打这么好过,卧槽。

PainlezzBeen watching since beta, best finals i can remember!从beta版就开始看了,个人心目中最佳总决赛!

PoliticianSlayerWatching him win was amazing. Dude earned it. Hearing him talk about his dad was great. He is a world champion for life.看到他一路夺冠太激动了。这哥们完全值得这个。很喜欢听他提到他父亲的支持那部分。他现在是终身世界冠军了。

clonepixelIt was an insane run. Grats to Time!离谱的夺冠之路。恭喜Time!

vcosnerAnyone know what he said in Chinese?有人知道他中文说的是什么吗?

DrahtMaulHe basically repeated what he said to smix before just directly to his Chinese fans and family.意思基本上差不多,不过是直接面向中国粉丝和家人的。

LifeworksGamesWas it just me or did everyone seem super tilted today?
Never seen Maru make that many mistakes in any run. Time really caught everyone off-guard.

llllxeallll (楼主)I think I attribute it to the fact they were playing ALOT of starcraft in a very tense environment for a very long time. I'm sure the sheer amount of games that IEM Katowice has in such a short period of time takes its toll.
I can barely play more than 10 games in a day before i'm like... that's enough starcraft for todady lol but that's why i'm no champ!

wscriptshellunbelievable. the championship is very difficult for Oliveira in current cn e-sports environment. many of us cried out when he succeeded.
respect for all players

hedonableWell done Oli. (but pls fix TvP.... sub 40% map win rate for p in the matchup)干的漂亮Oli。(但是赶紧修复下TvP平衡吧…神族还不到40%胜率)