欧美网民:英雄联盟S12全球总决赛 EDG vs C9 小组赛 Day2 讨论
EDward Gaming vs. Cloud9 / 2022 World Championship - Group A / Post-Match Discussion英雄联盟S12全球总决赛 EDG vs C9 小组赛 Day2 讨论
(本帖翻译由网友 7Pixels 投稿)
Dyingsun1Fuck making it out of groups are we even gonna win a game?! Lmao他妈的就算出不了线能不能起码赢一局?!笑死
KitKatxzFirst worlds in NA in years, now we can go to bed disappointed instead of waking up disappointed!多年来第一次在NA举办的世界赛,现在我们可以带着失望去睡觉了,不用等醒来以后再失望!
Giane901NA teams doesn't even need or deserve an airport in this year's Worlds if they somehow go 0-18. Unlikely to happen but looking really sad to be an NA fan rn.就算真的0-18,北美队甚至连回家的机票都不需要(也不配)。虽然不太可能但作为北美粉现在真的寒心。
JPLangleyGo to bed dead inside*心如死灰上床睡觉*
OwOPangoI mean fuck it man, I’ve been saying “I’m done” for 6 years but this time I actually mean it.我真操了,虽然连着说了六年“脱粉了“但今年真拜拜吧。
getjebaited0-18 dream is alive boys兄弟们0-18梦想成真咯
Pope_Cheetos_XIVTSM resting well at home knowing they won't be alone in the 0-6 legacy在家悠哉的TSM知道0-6的他们并不孤单
beesongGoing from solo to getting 3 neighbors lmao这下多了三个邻居笑嘻了
SlamMasterJDon't let your dreams be dreams助力每一个梦想
Pope_Cheetos_XIVThe best angle to escape the 0-18 is the 100T rematch against Flying Oyster避免0-18的最大可能是100T与飞行牡蛎的复赛
-original-visual-What a depressing sentence.这么想也太惨了
zomjay1-17 is so much better1-17好多了
Progenitor3Maybe 100t beats CFO in week 2.
1-17 not too bad.也许100t能在第二周击败CFO。
Pelagius_HipboneFudge: “maybe you were right to doubt us”Fudge: “也许你们的质疑没错”
SneakyPanda7Fudge counter pick to be down csFudge选counter位为了降补刀数
Bdodk2000Flandre left lane twice to help with Jensen first two deaths and he was still up on cs圣枪哥连着两次离线帮抓Jensen补刀数还是比他高
Rave_Master_AhriFlandre was probably like "wtf is this guy doing, imma roam again guys"芙兰朵估计想“这家伙他妈的干嘛呢,兄弟们我再来逛会儿”
JDFNTOHe roamed 5 times total before 18 minutes and he was still ahead in CS after being counter picked lmao他在18分钟前总共游走了5次,在对面counter的情况下依然领先补刀笑不活了
tectonic_breakI think it’s pretty safe to say NA can’t play fiora lol我说北美没人会玩剑姬没人反对吧lol
IamWildlambBut LS said that Fudge is the only toplaner in west who can pull it off and it makes C9 flexible as they can counter Aatrox and gives them chance to actually take games off of Asian teams.但LS说Fudge是唯一能拿出来剑姬帮C9克制剑魔并给他们击败亚洲队伍的机会的西方上单。
LentirLS also thinks Ivern top and Ivern mid is good.LS还说翠神上单和翠神中单很牛逼呢。
CokeNmentosWell yeah, but that's because its good.没错啊,确实很牛。
HeyItsPrestonEvidence-> LS said so理由->LS这么说的
JuniorImplementImagine putting worth into what LS has to say把LS说的话当真想想就难绷
elsonwarcraftBrokenblade is the toplaner in west that can play fiora and look goodBrokenblade是西方上单里玩剑姬玩得不错的
ThexanINA Fiora is the new NA JayceNA剑姬是新一代NA杰斯
SweatyAdhesiveThey can't play fiora against Asian teams北美队无法拿剑姬对抗亚洲队伍
Comrade420Fudge can, but his team cant play around the pick it seemsFudge可以,但是他的队友好像玩不明白这bp
CaptainDingoFudge has lost the lane both games with the "counterpick". Get off the copium.Fudge拿着“counter英雄”被连着爆两局线。别他妈活在幻想了。
Obelisk00Everyone meme'd 0-6 but they're not ready for the 0-18 memes.大家都在玩0-6的梗不过好像还没准备好0-18的梗。
LetMeOmixamThis subreddit would explode那这贴就炸了
Jh1n31No wonder there was a game pause, they had to check Meiko’s PC.不奇怪中途暂停了一会,他们得检查下Meiko的电脑
Obvious_Parsley3238meiko skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs to check-up....Meiko技术娴熟选手但不正常,这非常非常离谱…他们需要检查他电脑和游戏…也许他不作弊但也许他用特殊指令…游戏屏幕上见不出来…他需要体检…
stormtrooper500"Meiko became what everyone feared. His eyelids disappeared, his head was swelling and his ears started bleeding. "Are you okay Meiko" asked Viper. I've never been better Do-hyeon, I see it all now, they're not going Dragon or Baron. They're going home, he said before rushing toplane and hooking everyone on site "“Meiko成为了所有人的恶梦。他的眼皮消失了,他的头部肿胀,他的耳朵开始流血。“你还好吗Meiko”Viper问道。我从来没有这么好过,到贤,我现在全都看到了,他们既不会打龙也不会打先锋。他们要回家了,他在冲进上路把所有人都勾一遍前说道“
AkashiGGMeiko insane player but not normallyMeiko疯子选手但不正常
OmnilatentDisgusting flash hook prediction预判闪现勾太牛逼了
kylapoosThat crowd reaction makes it so good配上观众的反应真的锦上添花
icatsoukiman it's so much better with a crowd, shit's so hype有观众真的好太多了,我直接嗨上天