



New Liella! members... idk what to feel about thisLiella!新成员...我不知作何感想...

(本帖翻译由网友 7Pixels 投稿)7Pixels

Krezy_Deyv:I also don’t know what to feel about this🤨. I really like current Liella member’s intimacy as being only 5 members but I’ll keep an open mind. I do hope they don’t force the new members to perform the songs that are already perfect for the 5 members. I don’t want a watered down Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora.也给我整无语了🤨。目前的5人团氛围不挺好的,我再观望下好了。只求官方别强塞新人进现在的曲子里,只会给《起始是你的天空》注水。

sagrado_corazon回复上层:I feel the same way, I was pretty happy with the smaller group but I’ll try to keep an open mind about it.
I also wonder if these things are planned from the beginning or it changes as they go along.

Krezy_Deyv回复上层:Yeah. We do have the assurance that the new members will be amazing and talented because of how polished Liella was when they first debut.(略)嗯。我相信Liella的新成员表现不会差,因为Liella的初演就很精彩。
但再次声明,现在由这五人演出的曲子以后别加人来演。虽然可能对新成员不公平,但我就是不想看官方在现有的编舞和主唱下再硬塞四个人进去。在《TOKIMEKI Runners》里加入萌p的时候就够让我尴尬了,更别提一次加四个。她们肯定能拿出自己的新曲,所以这之前的歌就保持原样吧。

LPercepts回复上层:Later performances of Tokimeki Runners include all 12 members of Nijigasaki, the new members just participate solely in the group parts, but not the solos. I can imagine a similar approach being taken with Liella.栞子加入后唱步梦的词是有点奇怪。不过Tokimeki Runners后来12人都上的时候,新成员没有任何solo了。可能这种形式也会沿用到Liella这里?新人只负责合唱部分,原五人独唱保留。

TheVeilsCurse:I was hoping that they would stay a five piece as that would really benefit a one season equals one school year story with more of of focus on each member. This seems pretty random and cookie cutter atm.我还是希望能继续维持五人团体,这样能体现新一季新一学年的变化,并且可以花更多笔墨来塑造每个角色。现在要加人就很迷惑且烂俗。

LPercepts 回复上层:But how does the club survive in the long term if they don't induct new members? The original five are going to graduate eventually, and they likely want the club to continue, even after that. I would imagine that if the anime eventually does get to follow the original five in their third year, even more members will be added to Liella.但是如果社团不招新的话,未来该由谁传承下去?原五人组总要毕业的,她们肯定也希望星团能继续进行活动。我觉得动画如果真做到第三季的话,到时候甚至会加入更多角色。

DaedricEtwahl回复上层:I don't really feel like it matters what happens to the club once the core 5 graduated. If it closed it closed, if it didn't, it didn't.真不在乎星五人毕业后部室怎么样。关了就关了,没关就没关。

LPercepts 回复上层:You don't feel it, but if the writers do feel that it is a topic that matters and is worth exploring, then it will be addressed. The most obvious way to address it is to add new members, and given that this is what is being done, it is not difficult to conclude that this is a topic the writers deem to be important.你是不在乎,但编剧要是认为这话题很重要、值得探讨的话,就会强调这一点。最直接的表现就是增加新成员,鉴于目前正在这样做,不难得出结论,这是编剧认为很重要的一个问题。

DaedricEtwahl回复上层:My point being I'd rather they focus more on having us know our core 5 more deeply, because that's something that all the past series suffered from: too many characters with only 12 episodes per season to flesh them out我的观点是,不如多塑造下现五人组,毕竟之前的剧集多少都有这类问题:一季十二集的时长根本不够深度刻画所有角色。

TheContingencyMan 回复LPercepts:Easy. Set up these new members in the final season. I can imagine everyone would be far more receptive if they were introduced in a way that makes sense. This is just downright jarring.这简单。把所有新角色塞进最后一季。如果以一种更合理的方式安排她们登场,大家都能接受。现在这操作实属瞎搞。

Ekyou:To be honest, when Liella was announced to be all 1st years, I wondered if they’d add a member or two during their second year, kinda like K-ON! Did. I wasn’t anticipating 4 though, I agree it makes them too similar to the other groups.其实Liella刚声明主角全为1年生时,我就在想会不会像轻音那样,在第二年增加一或两人。但是真没想到能有四个,这让Liella变得跟其他团体没啥区别了。

LimitBreaker25:Liella's symbol used to be a star, but since there's now four new members, it's now an enneagram?Liella的标志本来是颗五角星,现在要改成什么了,九型人格图吗?


LPercepts 回复上层:You can still have a star. Just insert a smaller point between each of the five main points.星星还可以继续用。两个角之间加个点就行。

LoL_is_for_hamkachan:Seems like not only Reddit, this announcement has also received backlash from Chinese community, oh man this not gonna be good似乎不仅仅是Reddit,这个好像也受到了中国论坛的强烈反对,噢,天哪,这不太好

LPercepts 回复上层:What do the Chinese community have against the new characters?中国论坛对这些新角色有什么不满?

LoL_is_for_hamkachan 回复上层:It's not about the new characters, it's about the decision to add 4 more members.不是不满新角色,而是不满增加4个新成员的这个决定。

BearsAreGreat1:I’m not too shocked tbh. As long as the original 5 still have development and the new four are fun and likeable I don’t mind it. S2 will definitely be interesting.我倒不觉得有啥。只要制作组继续充实原五人形象,新四人有趣讨人喜欢就行。星二期一定会很有意思。

brianpaulandaya:I am super disappointed they're adding new members to Liella.
Though if they do continue with this, just a reminder to not direct your hate to the new members, I'm sure they've worked hard to get into the group. It's okay to be disappointed, but it's never ok to be an anti.

LPercepts 回复上层:They added new members to Nijigasaki, so I guess this was to be expected.虹团也加了新成员,我觉得是预料之内的事情。

Cartyx 回复上层:At the same time, it was a good contrast to Nijigasaki. Niji has more than 9 and Liella had less than 9, so both went against the norm.

Liella having 9 again makes it seem less unique as a group.


PK_Madrigal:I can give Niji a pass because they’re solo idols working together, it gets awkward when you’re pretty much doubling an established group that has been heavy on the 5 pointed star motif虹团完全可以理解因为她们实际上是合作共事的独立偶像,但你要是把一个公认的团体的成员数翻了一番,尤其她们还很重视五角星的创团理念,那是真的尴尬。

Ftimlego:And what if instead of joining Liella at first, they become like a rival group or something like SMG3 and the anti gang in The YouTube Arc from SMG4. And then they join Liella
(Nobody is going to understand what I'm talking about but it was the only exemple that came in my mind)
如果先不加入裂啦,而是以对手团的形式出现,比如像SMG3,和SMG4的The YouTube Arc里的反派那样。之后她们再加入Liella。

(译注:这是油管上以两个原创马里奥角色为主角制作的一系列玩梗视频, b站有搬运)

LPercepts 回复上层:So another subunit?所以又是迷你小队咯?

Onesadcatto 回复上层:Now that takes me back...
Haven't seen stuff SMG4 since they were working on something called MetaRunner or something

jdubuknow:I liked Liella as a five-piece but I guess 9 is the standard so I'm fine with it. their designs are super cute我喜欢以5人来进行活动的Liella,不过9人大概是标准所以完全没问题。新成员的人设蛮可爱的。

BlayAndHowlie:honestly pretty excited for this, i thought liella didnt do too much to capitalize on the smaller group dynamic anyway so it makes sense they would move back to 9. im almost expecting them to have a group name and logo change because now they cant really utilize the 5 pointed star motif anymore我对此挺兴奋的说实话,反正我觉得以Liella目前的小体量,也没什么可做的事能增强团体间的互动量和活跃性,所以增至9人挺合理的。我甚至已经开始期待她们的新团名和logo了,毕竟原本的五角星图案不能再继续沿用下去了。

die4dethklok616:Why though? Liellas current dynamic is great, and only having 5 members meant that the characters actually had time to develop personalities over the season.
But having new members join the club if season two is also their second year does make sense..

kaguraa:i had a feeling something like this could happen but 4 new members is excessive imo. just 1-2 new members would've been better instead of 4 new ones which is too much(略)本来我就有些预感,但是4个也太离谱了些。1-2位新人入团还算不错但是四个真的太多。


Labmit:Compared to most of the posts here, I don't mind the new members but I do have a problem with the designs. (略)相较于这里大多数人的观点,我并不介意新成员的加入,但是我对人设真的有疑问。细说的话,就是感觉ss的设定和画风有些不足,降低了我对这系列的观感(其他方面)。


meme-meee:Also a friendly reminder that it is okay to be surprised by this, it is not a stain on whether you are a "true fan of the franchise" that you did not expect this友情提示,就算对此消息感到诧异也没关系,对新人加入不抱期待不能说明你 “是个假的星星人”。

MoshiWazu:I'm not a fan. Liella have their unique 5 members and a good chemical. This feel to forced,hope they make a new group instead真不感冒。Liella的5位成员各有所长,并具备其独特的化学反应。感觉官方真就强行嗯塞人,不如直接做个新团。

mairwaa:honestly it was obvious it was gonna happen but FOUR immediately??? hmm. ngl im getting mixed feelings because the 5 girls are sooo close and tight, i wonder how the addition's gonna affect their dynamics. maybe we can have subunits? first years and second years?

srsly do love live (main) groups HAVE to be nine??


Marth-Koopa:Mama Nako has been blessed with 4 new rowdy daughters to take care of
Can't wait to see how cute they are in real life!